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Meet Our Team


RIDDLE QUESTION - In the team we have 1 person and 6 horses... How many eyes do we have between us? (find out at bottom of the page)

















Hi! I'm Georgia, founder and facilitator at Our Herd. I am a current member of the Academy of Equine Assisted Learning and a certified EAL facilitator with Equine Connection. I actively study horsemanship through the Quantum Savvy horsemanship program and am always learning to listen further to the wisdom of my four legged friends. I am currently studying a Bachelor of Psychological Science (Honours) degree at the University of Queensland. I am very passionate about incorporating what I am learning about psychology and human behaviour into Our Herd's programs.


















Hello, I am Rocky. I am 18 years old and in my time I have seen a lot. When I was younger I was a racehorse and I raced for 4 years. I used to be known as Fords Bridge and I was so fast – I won a heap of races! When I became too old for racing I was rescued by a lovely lady who taught me how to move nice and slow. Now I am the leader of our herd and love looking after my family. I am very kind and not much bothers me. I can even be a little lazy sometimes. My favourite thing is a relaxing afternoon eating grass with my friends.


















Hi, I am Calypso. I am the proud mother of both Commett and Hershey. I enjoy caring for, and playing with my two daughters. A few years ago I lost my left eye to cancer, it took a little adjusting but I now live very happily with the support of my herd. I see my single eye as an advantage when working with children as it helps those who get a little nervous or angry to develop a real empathy for me and treat me with kindness.

















Hey, I’m Tilda. I was the final addition to the Our Herd family. Perl and I both have same dad and our mums were best friends (we were born in the same paddock) – I’m actually 3 weeks older than her!  I was born completely deaf and to survive I have become very tuned into the energy of my surroundings. Because of this I have an incredible ability to feel and reflect what’s inside people’s hearts. My favourite things are going for a swim in the ocean or dam and to be scratched and cuddled by my human friends.


















Hello, I’m Hershey. I am a 3 year old miniature pony. I have a calm and caring nature, much like my parents Calypso and Merlin.  Being young means I can be a little cheeky sometimes, but as long as I have a kind leader I can respect, I always try my absolute best. I love to make horses and people feel happy so I’m always there for a cuddle, a play or just a quiet sit. My favourite things are galloping around with my sister Commett and playing with a human that treats me with softness and love.


















Hey!! I am Commett! I am a miniature horse who LOVE'S having fun and making people laugh. Everything from jumping to galloping around in the paddock, I’m the one who nags everyone in our herd until we play. My favourite thing (besides a good scratch) is to help my two legged friends realise they should never doubt themselves and that size (or anything on the outside) doesn’t matter – In my mind I’m 17 hands tall (a big tall horse!)
















Hi, I’m Perl. I am a very patient, kind hearted quarter horse mare. I understand that humans all learn differently so I do my best to provide lots of feedback so that they can learn. I enjoy my afternoon snoozes and can be lazy at times, but when I'm playing with my sisters I can gallop pretty fast! My favourite things are to go exploring new trails and getting a nice big scratch.



RIDDLE ANSWER - All together the Our Herd team has 13 eyes!

(Remember our teacher Calypso only has one eye)


Loved and Now Teaching In Heaven - Magic Merlin <3